An Alternate Bi-Cameral Mind

In The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes famously posits that the peoples of the ancient world were not just metaphorically writing about hearing gods, but that their brains were actually divided into a portion of the mind which “spoke” to the portion of the brain that then acted.


Unary Thinking

A user on Social Galactic asked for a guide on binary thinking, and I think the representational bias angle is a solid one to take on it.

And I sat pondering it a bit, and I realized that we can start with an even simpler example, given away by the title of course: Unary Thinking.


People Aren't Cattle

To be sure, there is an important sense in which they are; if the Lord God Almighty sees fit to use that as a metaphor you can be assured there is a good reason.


Last night the kids wanted to watch the ball drop. I figured, why not. But we were also watching the college football game and it ran right up to the wire.


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